Digital Promise: Impact of Levered's Math Program On Student Learning
May 30, 2019 | Found in: Impact

A data-focused pilot brief looking at student growth in math at two elementary schools in Chula Vista
Chula Vista Elementary School District is the largest elementary district in California, situated between San Diego and the United States-Mexico border. The pilot brief from Digital Promise looks at the impact of Levered's 4th-grade curriculum on two schools in the same district with different demographics, but similar gains for students on the state CAASPP test.
Levered was used daily as the core instruction, as well as an intervention and enrichment tool beginning in January of 2019.
- 100% of teachers would like to use Levered again
- All the teachers reported that Levered saved them time in planning and preparation.
- All the teachers said Levered made it easier to provide intervention for struggling and challenge for students.
- All teachers reported improvement in math achievement for English Learners in their classes.
For their part, the majority of students were excited to use Levered's adaptive, online curriculum and said the program made it easier to learn new math concepts.
The CAASPP results showed, "Average math growth for economically disadvantaged students in the pilot group was 70 pts, or 184% of the state average for that subgroup. Math growth for English Learners was 252% of the state average for that subgroup, and overall 4th grade math CAASPP scores for English Learners (2488.7) was 12 scale score points higher for the pilot group than the statewide average for the native English speaking (English Only) subgroup."
You can read the entire brief here