Embracing the Student-Centered Math Classroom
June 23, 2022 | Found in: Student-centered learning

VP of Learning Sciences
Distance learning changed all of our lives. While it's easy to tune into the negative, we also saw students learn how to depend on themselves in a completely new way. Our classrooms should embrace these students who are capable of so much more than what they can get from a traditional textbook. At Levered, we believe in putting students at the center of their own learning.
This article will focus on the seven principles outlined in a report by Krista Kaput of Education Evolving. Each of these seven principles can be linked to a feature of Levered.
Competency-Based Progression
Key to Levered's success is the ability to determine when the students have mastered a concept and are ready to advance or when they need additional support. We empower teachers so they can meet the needs of all students including those who need a challenge and those who need extra support all within the Levered system. The data available in the Progress View tab makes it possible for teachers to quickly and easily move some students forward while giving others extra practice, all at the click of a button!
Positive Relationships
The old vision of a teacher as "Sage on the Stage" is no longer valid in today's classrooms. With our math program, teachers become a student's math coach and biggest supporter. The check-ins within the system provide opportunities for teachers to speak with students about their progress and build positive relationships. In addition to building strong teacher-student relationships, Levered also encourages strong peer relationships both through think-pair-share during whole group Math Talks and through the Peer Helper function.
Positive Identity
Here at Levered, we believe that a growth mindset is essential to student success. With the detail available within the system, teachers can see instances of perseverance and discuss these successes with students. This support helps students to develop a growth mindset and develop the student's positive identity.
Whole Child Needs
Every student is different and we all need a little variety in the way we learn and acquire new knowledge. There is nothing monotonous about the Levered program. Levered empowers teachers to switch between individual work, Math Talks, and group activities so students can gain new math knowledge in a variety of ways.
Anywhere & Anytime
A runny nose can wreak havoc on the lives of students, parents, and teachers. Thankfully, the Levered system allows for teachers to schedule sessions outside of regular class time so students can engage in independent work wherever they may be.
Student Agency
Once a student reaches a check-in, teachers can work together with students to help them decide their next steps. Students can retry a practice activity, move on to the next lesson, try a supplement, or work on a group activity. With Levered, all it takes is the click of a button to advance the student to the appropriate activity so they are an integral part of their learning experience.
Real-World Relevancy
We want students to know and understand how integral math is to their lives and the real-world. Levered is grounded in real-world situations, so students can see the connections between their math work and the world outside the classroom walls.
Note: The image at the top of this article is partly based on an image featured in Evidence for Student-Centered Learning by Krista Kaput of Education Evolving. The icons in the image are all from the Noun Project. Going clockwise from the top icon, they are Growth by Nurfakeh Fuji Amaludin, Care by Pavitra, Family by Oksana Latysheva, Puzzle by Smalllike,Wfh by Nithinan Tatah, Choice by Template, Earth by Tyler Gobberdiel, and Online Graduation by Irvan Rhomadhani.